2:02 AM
Visas For Entering the United States - An Overview

United States visas are needed by those attempting to work in, study in, or visit the USA temporarily, and not reside there permanently. There's lots of diverse types of US visas. We're now going to look briefly at the varied kinds of visa below. Visas for the US are the third most popular service provided by immigration attorneys after citizenship and green cards.

Work Visas

One of the more typical reasons why someone comes to the United States on a visa is for the purpose of working. There are many work visas and they cover a wide range of occupations. For instance, if you had the desire to work as a minister you could come to the USA on an R-1 visa. Or if you wished to work as a temporary agricultural worker you could come here on an H-2A visa. You'll find worker visas that cover everything from US investment and trade to working in the US as an artist or entertainer. The length of worker visas vary according to the specific visa you select. One of the most important aspects of workers visas, that most people do not grasp, is exactly who should apply for the visa? Those folks who wish to work, want to be able to submit an application for the working permit or visa. Nevertheless, that is not the way it operates in the United States of America. For almost all visas, the employer is the applicant for the visa. The employer sends in the application identifying the prospective employee as the employer petition recipient.

US Visitor Visas

Next we have the visitor visa. You could possibly enter the US as a tourist or visitor in a number of ways. If you plan to come to the States for the purpose of meeting with business associates, you could get a type B-1 visa. Or if you are only coming to visit as a vacationer, you will be looking for a B-2 visa. Visitor visas are typically no more than 90 days and do not allow you to work.

Visas for Students

If you'd like to enter the United States of America to go to school, there are several different visas for that as well. You could hope to come to the States as a non-academic/vocational student, an academic student, or an exchange visitor. By way of example, if you wished to enter America to obtain a degree in English, you would apply for a type F-1 visa. If you needed to attend a trade college, perhaps to become a technician, you could get an M-1 type visa. And lastly if you have a desire to be a teacher in the States, you would come here with a J-1 type visa. Student visas don't allow you to get a job and work in America for at least the first year.

Specialty Visas

There are also numerous specialized visas that are not contained in the student/worker/visit categories. For example, there's a type U visa that you may get if you have been harmed as a victim of a crime and are assisting the authorities to investigate the case. 

In a Nutshell: A Knowledgeable Immigration Lawyer Could Help You With Your Visa Application.

To summarize, there's lots of different types of visas, corresponding to the equally varying reasons why an individual might choose to come to the States. Some visas are easier to obtain than others are, and also the various different visas allow you to stay in the USA for different lengths of time. Should you wish to enter the United States of America in the short term, the likelihood is, there is some type of visa that's right for you. When you're experiencing difficulty working out exactly which visa works best for you, perhaps several match your situation, a seasoned immigration lawyer can help you to establish which is best. The very same immigration attorney can also make ready and submit the application for an employer.

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